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the labcat is the online life of labrys, smith college's art/literary magazine. we collect poems, prose, flash-fiction, letters, diary entries, essays, doodles, paintings, oils, sketches, photography, animation, videos, graphics, chicken-scratches, stippling, charcoal rubbing, pastels, collages, observations, music and whatever else inspires you. send it in bulky bundles to labrys@smith.edu.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jurassic Prelude by Wiley Reading '10

I can’t wait
until the Rapture—
when America will return
to wild God’s country
Princeton will be choked
with sandpipers and clothed
in spruce and boggy
skunk cabbage.
Detroit will be strangled
by giant ferns,
its long-abandoned
Automalls now nurseries.
for neo-prehistoric plants
Nevada will burn.
Las Vegas will sink into
the sand.
Mammoths and Behemoths
will roam through Montana
crushing Exxon stations like
peanut shells.
I want to be the only one
for the dinosaurs to hunt.

1 comment:

Emily B said...

I really enjoy this poem's imagery, especially Mammoths in Montana! I don't know why, but I'm always drawn to post-human fiction.