About Me

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the labcat is the online life of labrys, smith college's art/literary magazine. we collect poems, prose, flash-fiction, letters, diary entries, essays, doodles, paintings, oils, sketches, photography, animation, videos, graphics, chicken-scratches, stippling, charcoal rubbing, pastels, collages, observations, music and whatever else inspires you. send it in bulky bundles to labrys@smith.edu.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cloud City

Last weekend I was in New York City with a few friends. We did a lot of the stereotypical tourist-y things like visiting Central Park and Times Square, but we also spent most of the morning and afternoon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We visited the exhibit on the rooftop, Cloud City by Tomas Saraceno. It was really cool - you could walk on it and it was very disconcerting at first. You are walking on glass and can see the people below you, but you also got an amazing view of the city. Here are a couple of pictures and I have a link to pictures of the installation of it. Enjoy!


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