About Me

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the labcat is the online life of labrys, smith college's art/literary magazine. we collect poems, prose, flash-fiction, letters, diary entries, essays, doodles, paintings, oils, sketches, photography, animation, videos, graphics, chicken-scratches, stippling, charcoal rubbing, pastels, collages, observations, music and whatever else inspires you. send it in bulky bundles to labrys@smith.edu.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

sometimes it's hard to be funny

in honor of our upcoming bad poetry, bad music event (thursday night, 7.00, dewey lounge, be there), here's a labcat challenge:

write a wonderfully bad poem. comedy's always hard to put into written words without expressions or hand gestures. i find that saying the jokes out-loud helps rouse those literary juices. if you come up with anything, email us! i'll post it! if this isn't bad enough, i'll be subjecting you to some of my bad poetry very, very soon.

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