About Me

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the labcat is the online life of labrys, smith college's art/literary magazine. we collect poems, prose, flash-fiction, letters, diary entries, essays, doodles, paintings, oils, sketches, photography, animation, videos, graphics, chicken-scratches, stippling, charcoal rubbing, pastels, collages, observations, music and whatever else inspires you. send it in bulky bundles to labrys@smith.edu.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

submission date extended!

show off your brainy chops in our smith college lit & art mag. we extended the deadline to december 23rd, the very end of the semester, for all you procrastinators out there. but really, we'd love to read & see your stuff.

so send in your poetry, short stories, essays, screenplays, drawings, painting photos--anything, really--for publication in the early spring. limit to five poems. stories should be 5-7 pages. art should be in 300 dpi. all submissions as attachments to labrys@smith.edu. yes, that was a fragment.

be sure to include your name, title, and class year in the body of the email.
contact our lit mag mavens with any questions. should i have written all of that in small print?

hope to see you in the submissions pile! happy december!

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